
Message from Vice-President (for International Cooperation)

Vice President SHINJI Masato


Vice President
(for International

Yamaguchi University declared its vision for becoming “the ideal university in 2025” in “Yamaguchi University’s Vision for Tomorrow 2015”: we aim to create a diverse campus where all students and staff, including international students, can empathize, consort and work together in harmony regardless of history, culture, ethnicity, languages and religions.

In line with the university’s vision, the Office for the International Affairs Strategy stipulated “Regulation for International Affairs Strategy of Yamaguchi University” in June 2015 in order to facilitate decision-making and construct an organizational structure where our president can exercise his full leadership on the university’s globalization. Since then, we have been working more closely with partner institutions at the university and outside, held discussions on the university’s internationalization, and promoted activities for the university’s globalization under the president’s leadership.

As the world cannot see the way toward the end of the coronavirus pandemic, the conventional style of international cooperation with overseas institutions, such as people-to -people exchanges, have been physically difficult. We are aware that it is vital for us to take advantage of the adversity we are faced with and search for a new way of international cooperation by making full use of ICT. We would appreciate your thoughts and opinions.

Vice-President (for International Cooperation)